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Description Phusion® Hot Start II High-Fidelity DNA Polymease, 100 U


Improved version allows for the use of a wide range of primers, including those with low melting temperatures

Phusion Hot Start High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase is a highly accurate hot start DNA polymerase. It has now been upgraded to allow the use of even wider range of primers, including those with low melting temperatures. The new Phusion Hot Start II DNA Polymerase is ideal for PCR applications from routine PCR to highly demanding applications such as cloning and high-throughput PCR.

  • No annealing temperature limitations
  • Allows reaction setup at room temperature
  • Zero-time reactivation due to unique hot start technology
  • Fast PCR enzyme with high fidelity (over 6 times more accurate than Pfu)
  • High product yields with low enzyme amounts gives excellent cost/reaction ratio
  • Robust enzyme with high tolerance against PCR inhibitors requires minimal optimization



Includes: 5x Phusion HF Buffer, 5x Phusion GC Buffer, DMSO and 50mM MgCl2 solution. Both Phusion HF Buffer and Phusion GC Buffer provide 1.5 mM MgCl2 in the final 1x concentration

Recommended Storage: Recommended storage temperature -20°C. Stable for one year from the assay date.

Sku F549S
Quantity Available
Delivery 4 to 6 days
Price $192.34
Brand Thermo Scientific
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All prices in Canadian dollars