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Description Maxwell HT DNA FFPE Isolation System, 4 x 96 preps
Detail The Maxwell(R) HT DNA FFPE Isolation System provides a simple and reliable method for the rapid isolation of genomic DNA (gDNA) from FFPE (formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded) tissue samples in a multiwell format using an automated liquid handling platform. The purified DNA can be used directly in a variety of downstream applications, including PCR and next-generation sequencing.The Maxwell HT DNA FFPE Isolation System purifies nucleic acid using paramagnetic particles, which provide a mobile solid phase to optimize sample capture, washing and purification of gDNA. The kit is configured specifically for high-throughput applications and instruments. Reagents are packaged and provided to support the volume requirements of a wide range of liquid handlers and deck configurations.
Sku A6372
Quantity Available
Delivery 2 to 3 days
Price $2,106.72
Brand Promega
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