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Description Pine-SolŪ Multi-Surface Cleaner, Lavender, 1.41L, each
Detail Details: LAVENDER SCENT: One 1.41 L bottle of Pine-Sol Multi-Surface Cleaner, Lavender Clean; MULTI-SURFACE: Can be used on wood, tile, laminate, toilets, showers, tubs, sinks, countertops, walls, stoves, garbage cans and more! Always ready and follow the label. TOUGH ON STAINS: Cuts through tough stains, grease and grime; MULTI-PURPOSE: Use throughout your entire home, from the kitchen to the bathroom to the garage; CLEANS & DEODORIZES: Leaves your home looking, feeling and smelling sparkling clean.
Sku 926735LAV
Quantity 3
Price $5.99
Brand Pine-Sol
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