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Description ULK3 Kinase Enzyme System, 1mg
Detail Full-length recombinant human ULK3 was expressed by baculovirus in Sf9 insect cells using an N-terminal His tag. ULK3 or unc-51-like kinase 3 is a member of the serine/threonine kinase family that is involved in the SHH signaling pathway as a positive regulator of GLI proteins. ULK3 enhances endogenous and over-expressed GLI transcriptional activity in cultured cells and alters its subcellular localization. Furthermore, ULK3 phosphorylates GLI proteins in vitro. ULK3 is widely expressed and its expression is higher in a number of tissues where SHH signaling is known to be active, again suggesting that ULK3 is involved in the SHH pathway as a positive regulator of GLI proteins. Kinase Enzyme System contains: ULK3 Kinase, 10ug (Human, recombinant, full-length); MW: ~51kDa. Native Bovine Casein, dephosphorylated (1mg/ml). 5X Reaction Buffer; DTT, 0.1M.
Sku VA7586
Quantity Available
Delivery 2 to 3 days
Price $10,191.26
Brand Promega
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