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Description Maxwell RSC Fecal Microbiome DNA Kit, 48 preps
Detail The Maxwell RSC Fecal Microbiome DNA Kit used with the Maxwell RSC Instruments provides a simple method for efficient, automated isolation of nucleic acid from human and mammalian fecal samples.Fecal microbiome characterization is a rapidly evolving field, with continued development of downstream assays. Complex analyses such as next-generation sequencing can enhance data quality by measuring the abundance of various bacterial species. Many extraction methods for fecal microbiome DNA involve several manual processing steps and mechanical disruption. The Maxwell RSC Fecal Microbiome DNA Kit purifies microbiome DNA for characterization in downstream assays including qPCR and next-generation sequencing.
Sku AS1700
Quantity Available
Delivery 2 to 3 days
Price $693.12
Brand Promega
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